
Here are some of my publications, sorted by categories and in descending order by year. Please find more of my publications on Google Scholar.

A systematic review of applying grey wolf optimizer, its variants, and its developments in different Internet of Things applications
Mohammad HNadimi-Shahraki, and Hoda Zamani, and Zahra Asghari Varzaneh, and Ali Safaa Sadiq, and Seyedali Mirjalili.
Internet of Things,(2024) [Paper Link ]

Which are best for successful aging prediction? Bagging, boosting, or simple machine learning algorithms?1
Razieh Mirzaeian, and Raoof Nopour, and Zahra Asghari Varzaneh, and Mohsen Shafiee, and Mostafa Shanbehzadeh, and Hadi Kazemi‑Arpanahi.
BioMedical Engineering OnLine,(2023) [Paper Link ]

A Systematic Review of the Whale Optimization Algorithm: Theoretical Foundation, Improvements, and Hybridizations
Mohammad HNadimi-Shahraki, and Hoda Zamani, and Zahra Asghari Varzaneh, and Seyedali Mirjalili.
Archives of Computational Methods in Engineering,(2023) [Paper Link ]

A novel binary horse herd optimization algorithm for feature selection problem
Zahra Asghari Varzaneh, and Soodeh Hosseini, and Mohammad Masoud Javidi.
Multimedia Tools and Applications,(2023) [Paper Link]

An Intelligent Fuzzy System for Diabetes Disease Detection using Harris Hawks Optimization
Zahra Asghari Varzaneh, Soodeh Hosseini.
Journal of AI and Data Mining,(2023) [Paper Link]

A new hybrid feature selection based on Improved Equilibrium Optimization
Zahra Asghari Varzaneh, and Soodeh Hosseini, and Sepehr Ebrahimi Mood, and Mohammad Masoud Javidi.
Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems,(2022) [Paper Link]

Deep text clustering using stacked AutoEncoder
Zahra Asghari Varzaneh, and Soodeh Hosseini.
Multimedia Tools and Applications,(2022) [Paper Link]

Binary Starling Murmuration Optimizer Algorithm to Select Effective Features from Medical Data
Mohammad HNadimi-Shahraki, and Zahra Asghari Varzaneh, and Hoda Zamani, and Seyedali Mirjalili.
Applied Sciences,(2022) [Paper Link]

A new COVID-19 intubation prediction strategy using an intelligent feature selection and K-NN method
Zahra Asghari Varzaneh, and Azam Orooji, and Leila Erfannia, and Mostafa Shanbehzadeh.
Informatics in Medicine Unlocked,(2022) [Paper Link]

Prediction of successful aging using ensemble machine learning algorithms
Zahra Asghari Varzaneh, and Mostafa Shanbehzadeh, and Hadi Kazemi‑Arpanahi.
BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making,(2022) [Paper Link]

The impact of preprocessing techniques for Covid-19 mortality prediction
Soodeh Hosseini, and Zahra Asghari Varzaneh.
Computer and Knowledge Engineering,(2022)
[Paper Link]

Intrusion detection system using a new fuzzy rule-based classification system based on genetic algorithm
Zahra Asghari Varzaneh, and Marjan Kuchaki Rafsanjani.
Intelligent Decision Technologies,(2021) [Paper Link]

Edge detection in digital images using Ant Colony Optimization
Marjan Kuchaki Rafsanjani, and Zahra Asghari Varzaneh.
Computer Science Journal of Moldova,(2015) [Paper Link]

Book Translating

Fundamentals of the New Artificial Intelligence: Neural, Evolutionary, Fuzzy and more
Author: Toshinori Munakata. Publisher: Springer(2008)
Translated by: Zahra Asghari Varzaneh, and Masoumeh Sharifzadeh, Mazdaand Moatari. Publisher: Islamic Azad University of Marvdasht Branch, Iran (2015)
[Translated Book]